


St. Francis Ga...


Catholic Engag...

St. Francis Ga...


Catholic Engag...

St. Francis Ga...


Catholic Engag...

Daughters Cour...


Painting With...


Knights of Col...


Catholic Daugh...


Centennial of...


Thursday Aug 2, 2018

  • St. Francis Garage Sale

    Thursday Aug 2, 2018 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

    Thurs., Friday, Saturday,
    August 2nd, 3rd, & 4th
    8:00 am to 1:00pm
    Questions, call Pat @ 365-1766

Friday Aug 3, 2018

  • Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend

    Friday Aug 3, 2018 All day

    Spend a weekend away from the cares and distractions of everyday living. Attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend. The
    weekend is open to any engaged couple wanting to prepare for a deeper more meaningful life together in a marriage recognized by
    the Catholic Church according to its Church law. Upcoming weekend dates are August 3- 5, and September 21-23. For cost of
    weekends, other dates, and to learn more, visit our website at or contact Paul & Carolyn Trahan at
    (337)254-8947 or 337)898- 9257, or cee.trahan@gmailcom.

  • St. Francis Garage Sale

    Friday Aug 3, 2018 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

    Thurs., Friday, Saturday,
    August 2nd, 3rd, & 4th
    8:00 am to 1:00pm
    Questions, call Pat @ 365-1766

Saturday Aug 4, 2018

  • Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend

    Saturday Aug 4, 2018 All day

    Spend a weekend away from the cares and distractions of everyday living. Attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend. The
    weekend is open to any engaged couple wanting to prepare for a deeper more meaningful life together in a marriage recognized by
    the Catholic Church according to its Church law. Upcoming weekend dates are August 3- 5, and September 21-23. For cost of
    weekends, other dates, and to learn more, visit our website at or contact Paul & Carolyn Trahan at
    (337)254-8947 or 337)898- 9257, or cee.trahan@gmailcom.

  • St. Francis Garage Sale

    Saturday Aug 4, 2018 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

    Thurs., Friday, Saturday,
    August 2nd, 3rd, & 4th
    8:00 am to 1:00pm
    Questions, call Pat @ 365-1766

Sunday Aug 5, 2018

  • Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend

    Sunday Aug 5, 2018 All day

    Spend a weekend away from the cares and distractions of everyday living. Attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend. The
    weekend is open to any engaged couple wanting to prepare for a deeper more meaningful life together in a marriage recognized by
    the Catholic Church according to its Church law. Upcoming weekend dates are August 3- 5, and September 21-23. For cost of
    weekends, other dates, and to learn more, visit our website at or contact Paul & Carolyn Trahan at
    (337)254-8947 or 337)898- 9257, or cee.trahan@gmailcom.

  • Daughters Court Blessed Mother Teresa Boiled Shrimp Dinners

    Sunday Aug 5, 2018 All day

    Mark your calendars: on August 5th Catholic
    Daughters Court Blessed Mother Teresa will be
    having a boiled shrimp dinner fundraiser. The
    dinners will be take-out only from the Parish Life
    Center. You may purchase tickets at the entrances to
    the Church after all Masses this weekend, or from
    the Parish Life Office.

Friday Aug 10, 2018

  • Painting With Prayer

    Friday Aug 10, 2018 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    Fr. Bill Melancon will offer Painting with Prayer on Friday, August 10, at Our Lady of
    Perpetual Help in the Parish Life Center from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The cost of $25 includes all
    supplies. Please call the parish office, 365-5481, to register if you are planning to attend.

Monday Aug 13, 2018

  • Knights of Columbus Council 3425 Meeting

    Monday Aug 13, 2018 6:15 PM to 8:15 PM

    Knights of Columbus Council 3425 meets every 2nd Monday of each month, @ the Parish Life Center of Our Lady
    of Perpetual Help Church, 1303 St. Jude Ave. New Iberia, La. Rosary at 6:15PM . Meeting follows.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018

  • Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Blessed Mother Tere

    Tuesday Aug 14, 2018 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

    Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court
    Blessed Mother Teresa #2550 meets every 2nd
    Monday of the month (except June and July) in the
    Parish Life Center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
    Church, 1303 St. Jude Ave., @ 6:00pm. “We
    welcome anyone interested in joining to attend.”

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018

  • Centennial of the Diocese of Lafayette

    Wednesday Aug 15, 2018 All day

    Come & Celebrate the Centennial of the Diocese of Lafayette! Fete-Dieu du Vermillion, Eucharistic Boat Procession up the
    Vermilion River, will take place on the feast of the Assumption, Wednesday, August 15. All are invited to a Mass in French at 8am
    at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Abbeville to begin the day. Bishop Glen Provost of the Lake Charles Diocese will preside
    and give the homily. At the end of Mass there will be a procession from Church with the Blessed Sacrament and a stature of
    Mary across the draw bridge to the old River Side Restaurant. At 10:00 AM 121 boats will embark in procession ( one for each of
    the 121 parishes of the Diocese) and make their way up Bayou Vermilion to Lafayette. The boat procession will stop in Milton at
    Wawee’s at 11:35 AM for recitation of the rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The flotilla will re-commence at
    12:35 PM and continue upstream, arriving at Rufino’s in River Ranch at 1:40 PM for Rosary and Benediction. The boat procession
    will embark once again at 2:40PM and arrive at Beaver Park at about 3:20 PM. At 3:45 PM a foot procession with the Blessed
    Sacrament and a statue of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will leave the landing and process up University Avenue in
    Lafayette all the way to the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Solemn Vespers will be prayed at 5:00 PM and Holy Mass will
    follow at 5:30 PM with Bishop Douglas Deshotel to conclude the historic day. Confessions will be heard in mobile units at each of
    the stops along the way. Don’t miss this “once in a hundred years’ event!” Schedule your vacation day now and register your boat!
    For more information or to register a boat visit our website at, visti us on Fete-Dieu du Teche Facebook,
    send us an email at, or call (337)394-6550.