OLPH Confirmation Candidate Eligibility:
- Be a Baptized Catholic and have made First Eucharist.
- Be a Junior in High School and at least 16 years of age.
- Having had the required religious education background of high school freshman and sophomore religious instruction
- As a Candidate for Confirmation, students are to attend and practice their faith at weekend Mass and Holy Days of Obligation in the parish as often as possible according to guideline of the program in addition to attending their retreat and doing service projects. Guidelines will be giving from Father for sign in and visiting other Churches when away from home.
- Must attend all sessions and other spiritual activities required of the Confirmation Preparation Program. Some participation will be required of parents and sponsors in the sessions.
If the requirements cannot be met in the Junior year, candidates can make it a two year process and in completing any unmet requirements in the Junior year and can be Confirmed in their Senior year.
Any teen who is not a parishioner at Our Lady of Perpetual Help and wants to be a candidate in the program must submit a letter of permission from their pastor besides meeting all the above requirements.
- Person must be suitable for this role and have the intention of fulfilling it.
- Be not less than sixteen years of age
- Be a Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
- Is not the father or mother of the person being confirmed.
- Is attending Mass on a regular basis and able to partake in receiving the Eucharist.
- If the sponsor is married, he/she must be in a valid marriage recognized by the Church.
- Ideally, one of the candidates baptismal sponsors would be selected though not required.
- Only one sponsor is to be selected.
- Must complete form provide by OLPH and have their Pastor sign and church seal and returned by deadline date.